2-HOUR LATE START If there is a 2-hour late start for Algona schools, the Parish Office and Adoration Chapel will not open until 10:00am and morning Mass will be cancelled.
NO SCHOOL If school is cancelled, the Parish Office and Adoration Chapel will be closed for the entirety of that day and all Masses will be cancelled.
EARLY DISMISSAL If school is dismissing early, the Parish Office will close at the time school is dismissed and evening Mass and activities will be cancelled. The Adoration chapel will close at the time it is announced. Ex.: Early dismissal for 1pm announced at 11am, the 11am hour will lock the tabernacle, and the chapel will be closed for the remainder of the day.
WEEKENDS If we are to get weather over the weekend, please pay attention to the Divine Mercy Facebook page, the Parish App and KLGA for announcements.