Attend this educational workshop to learn simple ways to transform your charitable giving. Learn
how to structure a plan so your charitable intentions are protected and fulfilled to their greatest
impact. A speaker from Catholic United Financial will share tools and methods that can turn modest
assets into substantial gifts, providing meaningful support to Catholic parishes and charities. Learn more at Divine Mercy Parish on March 18th at 6 p.m. Reserve your seat today by calling 1-800-441-9949 or emailing [email protected]
Magnificat of Northwest Iowa invites all to a Magnificat Retreat on Saturday, March 22nd from 9am-3pm at Immaculate Conception in Cherokee. Click the title for more information.
Winter brings crisp fresh air. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like winter because it’s a weekend full of fresh air and a time to rejoice in the beauty of our marriage and family. It’s a great time to rekindle communication and enjoy a weekend away.
For more information call Denise and Greg - 563-920-9419 or register at
Upcoming dates: April 25-27 in Epworth, IA and September 12-14 in Dubuque, IA
The FORGE Conference 2025 tackles the threats facing modern fatherhood. This landmark event will empower current and future dads to change the world. Come to Des Moines for world-class speakers, deep formation, sacramental grace, and brotherhood with 1000+ other men! The conference is scheduled for the last Saturday before Lent, launching men into a transformative Lenten season. Click the title for more information.
PFAH is in need of flour, sugar, light brown sugar and quick oats by Monday, March 3rd to make pies. Click the article title above to be directed to the donation and pie assembly sign up page. Pie assembly will be on Saturday, March 8th at the Presentation Center.
Did you know you can have the weekly bulletin sent directly to your email? Click the article title above to be directed to the Parishes Online website and click the 'subscribe' button to fill out your email information.